Everyone belongs in nature.

Through birding we celebrate and connect communities of color — with one another, and nature. Whoever you are, wherever you are from — when you picture a birder, picture yourself. It’s our mission to equip as many birders as we can to learn about, observe, and experience the world outside our own.

A woodpeck watching from above.
Upcoming Events

Birdin’ hard or hardly birdin’.

Explore the great outdoors with good company.

March 08

Tyler Arboretum Spring Bird Outing

Tyler Arboretum

June 15

Tyler Arboretum Summer Bird Outing

Tyler Arboretum

November 08

Tyler Arboretum Fall Bird Outing

Tyler Arboretum

Our Mission

Out of our comfort zone. Onto new trails.

We are doing what we can, wherever we find ourselves, to help more Black and Brown folks connect with more beauty in the world.

Get Involved

We find what we look for.

Whether it’s finding a woodpecker or warm welcome, there are plenty of ways to enjoy spending time with our flock.